The Indexes to Individual Aircraft/Spacecraft A-B, C-G, H-L, M-R & S-Z provide easy access to photographs of specific aircraft or spacecraft. They are arranged by manufacturer (complicated by the fact that the aircraft industry has always been subject to mergers and splits). The drop-down boxes above provide access to the photo galleries as they are arranged by location. The same is true for the Trucks, Cars, Bikes index and galleries.
As neat and precise as the categories may seem, that is a bit misleading. For instance, in the Cars, Trucks, & Bikes gallery there are a few wagons and in the Farm & Logging gallery there are also examples of road maintenance equipment.
Sometimes travel can be incredibly boring, on a commercial airliner or a bus for instance, sometimes it can be quite exciting. The conveyances which get us from there to here, and vice versa, are the topic of these galleries. The forms of the objects vary, some shiny with gloss, some covered with rust, all with the promise of motion, of activity, full of the dreams and abuses of the past and the promise of the future.
I am Bob Barnes of Hillsboro, New Mexico, and I maintain this site to share my material and love of things that fly and run. My primary focus is that of a naturalist. Although I spend a lot of time studying the natural history of the Black Range of New Mexico, I also has this fascination of things mechanical. That is especially true if the items in question have some age to them. At this site you will find photographs from various locations, primarily in North America.
The video shown immediately below was recorded at La Esperanza Vineyard and Winery which is located in the Lower Mimbres Valley, west of the Black Range, in New Mexico, USA. On June 5, 2015 it hosted a visit by members of the Tin Lizzies of Albuquerque, a club for Model T Ford enthusiasts. This is an animated slide show, followed by video, of the Model T's that came to visit that day.
Found below are three train-ride videos. The first is the ride on the El Chepe through the Copper Canyon of Chihuahua, Mexico. The second is a ride on the Nevada Northern Railway in Ely, Nevada, USA. The last is a train ride from Antonito, Colorado to Chama, New Mexico. Photos from these train experiences and from other sites are found in the Trains photo gallery.